Pakistan Thought of the Day

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

You find wisdom in surprising places, if you're willing to listen.

This is Rohail Hyatt, who I didn't know of till this week:

We need to feel that we are a part of each other. You know it is really sad that when I pick up the phone and speak to a Balochi or Sindhi or a Pathan, I can’t even say hello to them in their language. I don’t know what they’ve done to me in school, and what vacuum we’ve grown up in.
He's absolutely correct. Our Pakistan Studies books used to be ridiculous. So, here goes:

Apologies if I've murdered any of these translations. Corrections welcome.


About Me

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Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan

About Doubt

Doubt is the default perspective still, but with the ability to escape it into surety.

In other words: Some things, some times add up.

About D&B

You can expect:

-this blog to be populated with articles: short and long; of bad, middling and reasonably decent quality; that discuss Pakistan, Economics, Politics, Law, Islam, and in no particular order.

-me to write in spurts, with a number of posts all at once, and days without writing anything.

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